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Vital Systems in Your Home That Need to Be Inspected

Vital Systems. Your home operates much like the human body, with many different systems working together to maintain the safety and comfort of your home. And just like your body, sometimes your house needs checkups to make sure that all its vital systems are functioning exactly how they are supposed. But all too many homeowners do not inspect the vital systems of their home, only to be shocked when vital systems fail. Don’t be like most homeowners, and make sure you check in on the systems of your home. Here are eight home systems that you need to inspect regularly.

Electrical System

Your electrical system connects to your entire house through a series of wires and connections. It brings you TV and Wi-Fi, it is in your light switches and wall outlets, it powers your fridge and some hot water heaters even many stoves are electric. All these services help us in our daily lives to live comfortably. Have you experienced a power outage- when you had to light all those candles? While it’s not the worst, you can easily avoid that situation by checking your system. If there were to be an electrical fire, it could burn down your house. A single cable can spark against an unprotected wire and cause it to catch fire. These electrical fires spread fast due to the vast network of cables. Additionally, checking on your system may help you lower your utility bill.


Cleaning the pipes can be beneficial to prevent rust, unclog smaller stuck items, and remove growing bacteria and mold. Often plumbers will run a solution down your drains to break up stuck compounds and clean the system. Everything needs to be washed once and a while, including your plumbing. These routine checks are vital to your house’s health. A plumbing backup could lead to flooding in your home. Everyone must go to the bathroom! Your plumbing makes this possible. Making sure there are no clogs on leaks in your system can prevent backups and need to use a plunger.


Your air conditioning system is one of the most important systems in your home to ensure your comfort. But your air conditioning system can also be important for your safety and health if you live somewhere that gets dangerously hot. You should be inspecting and checking your air conditioning system twice a year, right before and after it is going to be infused all day. Ensuring that your cooling systems are working will make sure that you can keep your home at a comfortable temperature all summer long.


Much like your cooling systems, your heating system is also important to check in on to ensure that your home stays warm in the wintertime. While you may have central heat or space heaters that require regular checkups, you should also be inspecting and maintaining your fireplace. A fireplace requires maintenance to keep clean and run efficiently. Have a professional clean your chimney and fireplace at least once a year to ensure that everything is clean and safe and that your home can handle using your fireplace without any damage.

Gas Lines

Your gas lines provide your home with one of the most essential utilities in your home. Your gas lines power appliances are as important and varied as your stove, heaters, and even your hot water heater, so making sure that your gas lines are safe and usable is essential. Not to mention that a gas leak is one of the more dangerous leaks that can occur in your home. A gas leak can lead to a fire, explosion, or suffocation if not detected soon enough. If you ever suspect a gas leak in your home, you should contact your gas company immediately to come take a look at it. You can also call your gas company and ask for a safety inspection at no charge whenever you need it, so that you can always know that your gas lines are safe and ready for use.

Sprinkler System

Your sprinklers are another vital system of the home that needs checking. A broken sprinkler system can leak hundreds of gallons of water into the soil beneath your home, costing you hundreds of dollars in utility bills, and potentially weakening the foundations of your home. Have your sprinkler system inspected yearly to ensure that everything is functional. It can be a good idea to do this right at the beginning of spring to make sure that the freezing and thawing of the winter hasn’t damaged the water pipes.

Smart Doorbells

Having a smart doorbell is one of the most convenient and safest decisions you can make for your home. Being able to see who is approaching your home without having to answer the door provides an extra element of safety to your door systems. But if you are going to have one, then you need to make sure that it is working properly. You may only use your smart doorbell every once in a while, but when you need it, you need to know that it is working properly. Be sure to check up on it regularly, make sure it is still connected to power, and that all its functions work properly every few months. This will help protect your home and your ease of mind.

Security System

 And finally, we have the security system. The guard dog or the vital systems in your home, the security system may be the most important in your entire home. Your security systems are only valuable if it works. Make sure that your security stems are receiving power and set off the proper alarms when activated. If your security system involves cameras or motion light sensors, then you should also ensure that those systems are functional by monitoring the video output and testing the motion lights. Your security system protects your home from intruders, so don’t skimp on checking it.

There are many systems that help you run an efficient and proper home. And these systems require maintenance and inspection regularly. Make sure you are choking in on these eight home systems frequently to ensure they are working properly.

Read this next: How Can Home Inspection Protect You?

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