Common Issues Inspectors Find in Older Homes

Common Issues. If you are buying or selling an older home, or even if you just own one, it is a good idea to know the kinds of things that home inspectors tend to find. Many repair issues in an older home go far beyond aesthetics and into the realm of full-blown hazards. 

Catching issues before they get to that point can save you a great deal of time and money in the long run. In fact, it could even save your life. Here are some common issues to look out for in older homes.

Outdated Electrical Wiring

The electrical wiring of decades past can cause serious electrical problems. Old wiring could be worn, frayed, or even not up to code. If you have been experiencing frequent short-circuiting, flickering lights, dead outlets, tripped breakers, or short-lasting light bulbs, you could be dealing with some electrical issues. 

Never attempt to fix electrical problems on your own. You need the help of a certified electrician to get your home up to code.

Old Pipes

Of course, when a house gets old so do the pipes. Old pipes could be filling your home with bad smells, backing up your plumbing, or even leaking into your walls, ceilings, and floors. 

If you have any of those issues, or if a home inspector tells you that your pipes are wearing down, you need to address the problem right away, before the damage gets worse. Another issue with old pipes is that they were sometimes made of lead. Lead pipes can lead to serious health issues for those in your home.

HVAC Issues

If your HVAC system is overworked, improperly sealed, or older than 25 years old it is probably nearing the end of its life. Old HVAC systems could cut out at any moment, leaving you either sweltering or freezing, depending on the time of year. It is best to have your HVAC system serviced every year. This will help extend its life and give you an early warning of any potential trouble. 

If you are buying or selling a home, make sure that everything is in good working order. You don’t have to buy a brand-new home, but you should have confidence that everything has been properly maintained and replaced as needed. And remember, you can lengthen the life of your older home by staying on top of regular maintenance. As part of that regular maintenance, it is a good idea to have your home inspected every three years. 

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